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Escapada Dubrovnik tour combinado: Historia y Juego de Tronos


Dubrovnik, la ciudad de juego de tronos

Dubrovnik, Croacia

Desde 5 días / 4 noches

El viaje incluye

505Precio por persona

Descripción: Dubrovnik tour combinado: Historia y Juego de Tronos

Descrubre Dubrovnik y todos los escenarios por los que han pasado los actores y actrices de Juego de Tronos. ¡Es una oportunidad única! Conoce la historia y todos los secretos de la ciudad.

Además, no te puedes perder ...

Pasea por las murallas de Dubrovnik donde podrás contemplar las mejores vistas panorámicas de la ciudad

Recorre el casco histórico, Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO desde 1979

Visita el Gruž Market, mercado local de fruta y verdura abierto de 7 a 12 de la mañana excepto los Domingos

ActividadesCombo Tour: History and Game of Thrones

Join us on a tour that combines best parts of the most popular TV show on the planet – Game of Thrones, and stories of old Ragusa. Did you know that parts of our long history inspired George R. R. Martin to incorporate them into his bestselling books?

On our walking tour, Dubrovnik’s history meets Game of Thrones. It is ideal for couples, families, or a group of friends of which some have seen GoT, while others haven’t, so this combination provides a combination best of both worlds.

Fort Lovrijenac is situated on a cliff top and there are some stairs to be taken to the top, but once you’re there, it is worth the walk. In the gallery you may see some photos of the view from Lovrijenac castle. The walk to the top is not hasty and you will most definitely not be rushed by the tour guide. At the entrance we cover the ticket expense. Below Lovrijenac there is Pile Bay which was Blackwater Bay Battle location with many exciting scenes.

Walking through the old town we will show you all filming locations starting from Pile Gate with the highlight – Walk of Shame. You’ll discover Dubrovnik was used for another big filming just recently.

At the end of the tour, once we’re done exploring all sights of our Game of Thrones Walking Tour and Photo on the Iron Throne, we’ll take you precisely to the Iron Throne, so you can take your photo on it.

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